Just can't seem to get started.

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Here’s something I’ve been thinking about lately.

Kind of a lot.

The hardest part of doing a task—lots of tasks—is simply getting started.

My writing, for example.

I do the research (I love to do research!), make an outline, and...

That’s all.

I have the hardest time simply starting to write!  Even with my outline and notes. And even when I’m excited about what I’m going to write about, and 99.9% of what I write about is exciting to me!

So I procrastinate by doing other things—and believe me, there are plenty of other things to do—for as long as possible.

And then even longer.

And sometimes I even do some more research...which in my head feels like I’m actually doing something productive towards the end product, but is in all reality procrastinating. Although I do learn a lot more, which is a good thing, right?

Now I’ve moved from procrastinating to rationalizing.

(I hope I'm not the only one who does this).


Here’s what I’ve realized about this just-can’t-seem-to-get-started roadblock I face quite regularly.

  • When I finally talk myself into just getting started by telling myself I only have to do “this” much, and then I actually do start, I often find myself doing more than “this” much, and I sometimes even find myself finishing the article. 
  • Sometimes it really helps to dangle a reward of some kind in front of myself so I’ll just get started. Chocolate seems to be a very effective reward. :-)
  • Most of the time—when I’m done writing—I discover I’ve really enjoyed almost every minute along the way (except for those times when I can’t find the right word, or the right phrase, or the right introduction or conclusion. Those can be very frustrating times!).
  • I’ve also found that things usually don’t take as long as I think they will. This could be applied to much more mundane-but-so-not-fun things like emptying the dishwasher, or other cleaning-type tasks, or making phone calls, or other things that are perpetually on my to-do list but which I would not classify as any type of fun.

So I’m really trying to work on moving past this just-can’t-seem-to-get-started roadblock because I don’t like that feeling that hangs over me when I know I need to start something but I keep putting it off. Especially when it’s something I love doing...like writing.

Thankfully, I’m pretty good at keeping the deadlines I set for myself, or I'd be in real trouble!  :-)

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