We interrupt this prolonged period of procrastination, laced with a healthy dose of senioritis, to bring you a most exciting picture.

The above picture is our Elder Kelley with his very first missionary companion, Elder Albright. They are in Hemet, California, and a very nice man named Steve emailed this picture to me.

I am convinced that Steve has moved way up the staircase to heaven with this kind deed.

You see, today is Parker's first full day in the mission field. He flew to California from the MTC yesterday. All day I've been wondering how he was doing, because after all, I am a mom, and that's what we do. We wonder and worry a bit and hope that our kids are adjusting wherever they are.

So Steve sent me a huge tender mercy today.

And while I know this blog doesn't even know Parker's left on his mission yet since I am way behind in my blogging, I just had to share this picture.

Parker is smiling! In a picture!

That is a small miracle in and of itself.

I need to ask Steve how he accomplished this monumental feat, because we still haven't figured this one out the last 19 years.

Parker has never liked to have his picture taken, and smiling? Well, that's a tough one too.

I am just one very happy missionary mom right now.

And just to document the cause of my lack of blogging lately, take at gander at this stack:

We've been reading a book a week in my American Lit class since week 9 (we're in week 11 this week), and our last book is next week. And I'm trying to get as much done for finals week (week 13) before we leave to go to Idaho for graduation so that 1) I won't have so much to do finals week, and 2) I don't have to cart all my books and binders and other class-related stuff to Idaho with me.

However, this noble goal is competing against a growing case of senioritis. And I do not mean senioritis from advanced age. I mean school-related senioritis.

Because I graduate (from college!!!) in 2 weeks and 2 days. 

That's 16 days!!!

I'm almost to single digits!!!

I am not excited.

At all.

Just kidding.

I am way past being excited. But I'm also feeling a bit sad. I really enjoy school (well, most of it. Still not so excited about my Foundations Capstone class. Remember? The one where we're learning to argue effectively).

But this stack has helped me toward my Goodreads goal of reading 50 books this year (what was I thinking?). And I have really enjoyed reading all these books, so that's good.

But still, there's that senioritis thing.

Oh well.

Only 16 (!!!) more days!


  1. yay!!!! :) oh goodness, my senioritis is SO BAD. but at the same time I know I will miss school so much. it's so weird!!

  2. Your senioritis must be extra bad considering where you're spending your final semester! It is weird-I'm so excited to be done with school but at the same time I'll really miss it. Crazy.


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