[11/25/12] Weekly Words of Wisdom

*Image courtesy of 320sycamoreblog.com
Yes, I've been a bit lax lately in my posts (if anyone is still reading...). I was doing double homework so that I didn't have to do as much homework while we were visiting family last week in Idaho. 

And even though it was a bit crazy, it was really nice to have a bit of a break from schoolwork. And we had an awesome time with family.

We seriously could have used a few more days...

I guess that's the sign of a good vacation. :o)

I have three more weeks of school left in this semester. And I have survived quite well, I must say.

But these next three weeks are going to be B-U-S-Y! Lots to do.

I have lots of blog updating to do, too, but it will have to wait.

And can you believe Christmas is one month (!) from today?!

Boy, I have a lot to do... 


  1. I'm still reading!! Good luck with the end of your semester!

  2. Thanks, Rachel. Very much looking forward to it, and then only 3 classes next semester and I'm D.O.N.E.!!! :)


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